Education – The Key to Modern Society
Education is a process of teaching, promoting learning, the acquisition of academic knowledge, skills, behaviors, and social values, all related to human beings. There are different types of education such as primary education, secondary education, post-primary education, higher education and tertiary education. Educational systems include training, teaching, story telling, sharing and guided investigation. In order to make a better education, there are a lot of activities which should be done in schools or any learning institution for that matter. There are activities for children who attend school; parents who are involved in their education; students who are studying at school and teachers who lead classes who can teach children who are under their care.
Education helps a person to learn and get information that he needs to make a better and a wise decision about his life. Education involves the students, parents, teachers and other professionals. A person with a good education is well aware about the basic things in life that are necessary and cannot be made up. The good educated person will have enough money to live his life comfortably. A good educated person is aware about the value of a dollar and will save it when he has to.
Education helps a nation to develop and progress technologically, economically and ethically. This also provides an opportunity to start a business and become self employed. Through education, one gets to know about his friends and other nations. The informal education system that is present in most of the developed countries helps a country to progress socially, economically and scientifically.