Role of Education in Afghan National Security Strategy
Education is the process by which acquiring knowledge, skills, abilities, values, beliefs, attitudes, and practices is facilitated. Educational systems include formal education, experiential learning, direct teaching, informal training, interactive learning and applied research. Education is an essential process for socialization and growth; as such it involves children’s interactions with adults, parents, other children and the whole community. In education, children are exposed to various methods, which foster their cognitive and emotional abilities.
Education contributes significantly to the economic development of a country. It gives a competitive edge to an educational system, increases productivity and improves economic welfare of a state. Education helps individual’s sense of responsibility towards society. It also helps develop critical thinking skills and help individuals grow personally and professionally.
However, education in Afghanistan faces several challenges such as the lack of adequate funding, bureaucracy, poor quality of teaching, lack of supervision and teacher illiteracy. These problems hinder the process and make it more challenging for students to learn. However, with the efforts of the government and people from the education sector, the quality of education has been increasing steadily. The growth of the informal education system and its linkages with the national curriculum have been the major drivers behind this process. These links have made the teaching system more functional and successful.