Education Is A Process Of Learning Where People Acquire And Develop Various Skills And Knowledge Through Active Involvement And Interaction
Education Is A Process Of Learning Where People Acquire And Develop Various Skills And Knowledge Through Active Involvement And Interaction
Education is the process by which acquiring knowledge, educating others, acquiring skills, values, habits, and beliefs is facilitated by individuals or institutions. It also refers to the interaction of people within a social, political, economic or cultural context. Education systems include elementary, middle and secondary schools. Educational practices include teaching, coaching, learning through systematic and applied research, teaching the history and principles of learning, quantitative study of selected topics, teaching children at different stages of their lives up to adolescence, developmental and problem solving in classrooms, and cooperative learning among students and teachers.
There are various types of education; formal and non-formal. Formal education is a structured system of education that usually follows a prescribed curriculum laid down by a government authority such as the state, the country, or a school district. Under this system of education, students are taught and are required to learn subjects provided by the curriculum. Students in formal education systems may be formally enrolled in classes, pass examinations, and earn diplomas. Non-formal education is an informal system of education wherein children learn without attending formal classes and earning degrees. In this system, children are taught generally at home or at school by parents who teach according to their own interest and pace.
In a nutshell, education is a process of learning where people acquire and develop various skills and knowledge through active participation and interaction. Education enables individuals to participate effectively in the social, political, economic and cultural communities. The benefits derived from higher education are wide and far-reaching since the skills learned here can be transferred to different fields and situations in life and help in the improvement of individuals’ life quality.