What Are The Meanings of Fast Check?
What Are The Meanings of Fast Check?
Most people are familiar with the FAST check or “flush” function on most bank checks. However, many have no idea what the other symbols stand for and how it applies to the check process. In this article I will explain what they mean and why you should use them when you write a check.
The most common meaning of FAST check is: To make a quick cash payment to a person, company or event. Some banks call it a “cash advance” check since the money is automatically deposited into your bank account within minutes after you write the check. Other banks call the check a “windfall” check because you get to deposit the money into an account and wait to get paid. Either way, the general meaning is the same.
Abbreviated acronyms and check symbols: For our purposes here we’ll use the most commonly used ones, the ABA and WAT. Both are bank checks that include one or more of the following symbols. These are also commonly used in real estate closings, for mortgages, deeds, etc. You can check a bank check and see if it contains these symbols and if so, the check is a FRAGILE. A bona fide Fast Check is simply a check that meets all the qualifications for acceptance as legal money (usually it has to be clear from errors and omissions) and is drawn on a blank check or an electronic check processor.